We all need to do better than just cliché networking events. It's not hard to put a little creativity and fun into everything. There is so much potential!
❌ Sell and pitch
❌ Make people sit for hours
❌ Way too long panels of talking heads
✅ Have fun
✅ Enable true, genuine relationships. Not just redundant and easily forgotten "what do you do?"
✅ Play some games. They aren't cheesy!!
Enough of "networking events" where people show up, network for 30 minutes, listen to a pitch and get sold to for an hour, and then network for 15 minutes and go home. It's not memorable or valuable.
We keep learning with every single event we do and we are always always always looking to improve with each one. But I do think we have something very special here with the PORCH Potlucks.
100+ people from 30+ countries and everyone brings a dish from their home country. Just beautiful people coming together and having fun!
What happened at a PORCH Potluck?
Delicious food from all over the world (we had over 70 dishes!)
Trivia... we love our trivia!
Endless prizes! Thank you to everyone who supported!
Family Feud!!
Laughs and smiles
An awesome photo booth
Some beverages (responsibly of course)
Real genuine connections
The community has now hosted hundreds of people at the potlucks with hundreds of delicious dishes and hundreds of beautiful stories.
The next PORCH Potluck is coming up in November in collaboration with Google for Startups!