We had someone the other day ask us to connect them with our IT department...
"Speaking. I am IT as well"
If only they knew PORCH was just a 2 person team (a powerful 2).
How do we do it?
A few things:
The first thing we did as a company was focus on building a strong brand and social presence.
The members of the community are great people.
But most importantly...
We put together an amazing team of PORCH Ambassadors and we owe a huge thank you to these people! They are part of the team!
The PORCH Ambassador program exists to nurture a vibrant, supportive community that helps immigrant entrepreneurs thrive.
Ambassadors serve as pillars of the community to promote active engagement, foster meaningful discussions, and drive the growth of the community.
We have been growing this amazing group as the community grows and we are now at a dozen strong!

Thank you to each and every one of these people for making the community the way it is today! 💚