Every single one of these cards is a different beautiful story.
Different journeys.
Different challenges and barriers being overcome.
Different reasons for picking up their life and immigrating.
Different dreams and definitions of success.
Different beautiful people from all over the world.
These are the dish cards from our first 3 PORCH Potlucks.
Everyone's card has written on it their dish and their country of origin.
Hundreds of people. Hundreds of delicious dishes. And hundreds of stories.
Seeing this is more than we could have ever imagined when we started PORCH a little over a year ago.
This is what our world needs more of — more support, more laughs, and more love.
Where you’re from, what you believe, the colour of your skin… when we support and help each other, we can all accomplish amazing things.
This is everything our community stands for!
Thank you to each and every person for being a part of everything this community has done so far.
We have so much more to come and we couldn’t be more excited.
Much love 💚