You're Not Alone

Real People
Quality > Quantity


Personal Journey

Business is Personal 💚
Real Community & Real People to Help YOU
24/7 discussion on exclusive PORCH discussions forum
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Learn from a community of peers
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Real genuine relationships with incredible international entrepreneurs from all over the world.
An active and engaged community communicating 24/7 to support each other
Ask questions, share experiences, learn from others, ask for referrals, get intros
From the PORCH
I think there are a lot of communities out there in the world today, but I think that what PORCH has been able to do is appeal to a specific group of people, understanding them deeply and also serving them in a way that I don't think other communities do.

Ravi R.
I have never thought how powerful online community engagement can be. Thanks to PORCH, I am discovering the power of community every day. It's AMAZING!!! You are amazing!

Anatoly D.
We are truly happy to be a part of PORCH and to have you and all our PORCH friends beside us, not just as friends, but as professional experts who we've always had their support and help. I can't really imagine how this journey would be without PORCH!

Somayeh A.
It’s an absolute honour to be here! You are why we picked Canada as our HQ. I didn’t know you, but I was looking for exactly this! Where the world meets, and we create something bigger than ourselves. Thank you for putting this together and keeping it alive!

Akos T.
Content. Resources. Perks.
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Our own PORCH Perks platform with thousands in savings
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PORCH Talk newsletter
PORCH Perks Platform
Access to thousands in savings on software & tools to help your business
Exclusive PORCH Hub

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It's Hard Out There
being an immigrant makes it even harder

Community is not
Community is for
Don't Do It Alone
The existing ecosystem is only focused on business needs. But, we all know you can’t build a billion dollar business (or any business) if you can’t live happily in a new country.
PORCH is an exclusive club of international entrepreneurs that have been there, done that, and are still doing it. They have come together to support one another on the personal side of the journey (from living to finance to relationships) to learn and grow, and to share their superpowers.
This comes to life through events and community.
PORCH was built to level the playing field and give you a greater chance at success.